Remember the titans.

The truth is, my journey’s been one full of “what-if-it-fails”, "get-back-ups", and “Dear God, it’s me…agains". The truth is, that I’ve never fit into one box, although for so long I tried to. And the truth is, when I reached the end of myself, my strength, and my failed efforts… I found a love like I’d never known. A love that marked me forever, and changed the course of my future. I found Jesus. In a life-altering experience, I was drawn back to the heart of His grace, and my life has never been the same. 

I could tell you that I’ve always known who I was and what I was created for. That I’ve never backslid in my faith, or battled imposter syndrome, or questioned my worth. That I always get it right when it comes to being a mom, or a wife, or running a business, and that’s why you should listen to me.

But we’re here to keep it real.

My favorite movie is...

Romans 8:28 –  & we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose 

My favorite scripture is...

Jesus (ofc). 

I can't live without...

springtime. or as i like to call it, god's new year.

My favorite season is...

Now, I am on a mission to meet others as they are, where they are, and remind them of what I was once reminded of: that you’re never too far gone, too lost, or too broken to come back home. I’m here to remind you that you don’t have to fit into the box anyone tries to force you into. It’s only when you break free of trying that God uses you and your gifts to the fullest.

you may not know...

I’m here to encourage you that you can be ambitious, and nurturing, and bold, and tender… that you can be exactly who God has called you to be.

 Because at the end of the day, that’s what this world needs.

my reason

I am a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, and a friend. My upbringing was split between the beaches of Florida and ranches of Texas, so the term “Coastal Cowgirl” quite literally is my personality in a nutshell. After going to university and graduating with a degree in Psychology & Child Development, I veered from the path I’d set out on to become a child therapist and stumbled my way into the world of marketing and events. I went from working in the corporate space to joining my family’s business in the rodeo industry as the marketing director, to finally launching Be the Message™️ (a.k.a, my first baby) in 2019. I knew I wanted to run a business that would allow me the freedom to start a family, raise/homeschool my children, and pursue personal ventures, and fast forward 6 years later…I’m living in the midst of those prayers.


my story

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