

So, you’ve confessed, repented, completed the 12 steps, apologized, denied, bargained, accepted, etc. etc. etc. You’ve read the self help books, talked to your pastor, counselor, and those that you trust. You know that God’s word says He has forgiven you of all that you turn over to Him, the problem is that you just can’t forgive one person… yourself.

When God's forgiven you, but you can't forgive yourself…

When is it going to be my time?  I asked when I was little girl, and wanted to be moved up to the competitive gymnastics team like everyone else. I asked when I was in middle school, and everyone else was allowed to wear makeup but me. I asked when I graduated college, and everyone […]

When is it going to be MY time? The one piece of advice I wish someone would have told me.

Exactly one year ago today I packed up my car, and left my little beach town, stepping out in faith as I uprooted and moved to Texas. I remember so vividly the day I heard God telling me it was time to move, though I didn’t know where at the time, or what I was […]

Uprooted: One Year Later