

We all know one. Hey, you might even be one. You know, the girls that are head over heels in love, telling the world they’ve finally found “the one”, with social media accounts full of cute candids and love quotes… and then all of a sudden, it’s over. No explanation, no more pictures, and probably […]

Confessions of a Relationship Jumper.

Do you remember your first love? I know that’s probably a rhetorical question, as moments and seasons like these are hard to forget. But what comes to your mind when you think about it? Do waves of nostalgia wash over you? Maybe sadness? Hurt? Maybe it’s all too fresh to face, or maybe you feel numb to it, like it was so long ago that it no longer bears true significance. You know, “the past is the past; move on”.

An Open Letter To My First Love: Thank You.